This website explores ancient civilzations and includes examining the "white spot" in the oldest centers of civilzatioins such as Iran and the Arabian peninsula.
This blog explores the various civilizations ranging from India, Iran, Mesopotamia, Egpyt, Anatolia, Europe, Eurasia.
Welcome, this blog is about news and perspectives about ancient civiliations. It is a fourm to discuss matters of the past.
Subjects of interst range from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Europe, Eurasia and South Asia. Comparitive studies with other cultures such as that of the Americas and the Pacific are included. The blog was born out of my interest and love of Ancient History and Archaeology.
I am a 51 year old office worker. I love archaeology, ancient history-encompassing the Near East, Levant, Europe and Egypt. The history of ancient Greece, Rome, Europe, the Mediterranean, Mesopotamia and Iran.
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