Monday, January 11, 2010

The Pyramids were constructed by free men.

The Pyramids were constructed by free men.

The latest discoveries in the Giza area have revealed tombs of the builders. The tombs are located alongside the Pyramids. According to, Dr.Zahi Hawass the location of the tombs so near the Pyramids shows that these have to be free men, as slaves cannot be buried near the Kings. Dr.Zahi Hawass says that there is evidence that the workers were well fed with 21 buffalo and 23 sheep per day being delivered for their consumption. Compared to the diet of these workmen back in their villages, they were most likely to consume only old animals whose flavour isn’t so good. In the Giza area the meat will be that of young animals. The number of animals delivered per day is enough for at least 10,000 workmen. There is graffiti on the walls describing themselves as ‘’drunkards of Khufu’’ and ‘’friends of Khufu’’ which is certainly not what slaves would describe themselves as. These highly skilled workers were free people.

The most important tomb is that of a certain man called Idu. It is a rectangular shaped structure made from mud brick with an outside casing made from mud brick and an outside casing that is plastered. The upper part of the tomb is in the shape of a vault, which corresponds to the Memphis religious tradition, is the eternal hill from which the creation of man took place. Similarly constructed tombs are also found near Pharaoh Senfru’s Pyramid. These type of tombs date back to the 4tth dynasty as a result of which is evidence that they date back to the time of Pharaoh Khufu.

The existence of these tombs isn’t very new. Dr.Mark Lehner of the Ancient Egypt Research Associates ( knew about them in his flagship project; the Giza mapping Project. Please go the Ancient Egypt Research Associates ( and look for aeragram Volume 10 No.1 (the latest) to see their endeavours so far and a nice article on the workmen , their families and workplace colleagues and their lives. They consist of a young man from a village working in site, a man, his wife and kids and mother and a scribe. They have provided beautiful graphics of buildings and the lives which a group of these workmen and their families lived. Look from page 9. The aeragram is a pdf file.

One other thing, this discovery should help put paid to the misconceptions of those people who believe that extra-terrestrials or people from the antediluvian world or Atlantis constructed the Pyramids as well as started human civilization. Mind you they can’t make up their minds if it was Humans from Atlantis or Aliens from Atlantis or Human-Alien hybrids from Atlantis.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Phrygian Kingdom

The Phrygian Kingdom:


The Phrygians originate from Thrace, in what is now Macedonia and Bulgaria. They emigrated from their European homeland somewhere around the Iron Age 1000 BCE and settled in the plains of central Turkey. Their appearance was around the centuries after the collapse of the Hittite empire and the end of the Bronze Age. All this is according to Herodotus. The Phrygians and their kingdom lasted till the Persian conquest in around 550 BCE.The Phrygians achieved a remarkable level of culture and had their own form of writing based on Greek script.

Language & Writing:
The Phrygians spoke a language described as Thraco-Phrygian and it was related to the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European language group. The knowledge that we have of their language is derived from inscriptions and early text in the Phrygian language, which only appear around the 8th century.
Early texts in the Phrygian language the script used closely resemebe7ls Greek script.

There are numerous burial mounds or tumuli. The largest one is called Tomb MM, located in Gordion, the Phrygian capital, by its excavator, Rodney Young of the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, back in the late 1950’s, was thought to be the tomb of the semi-legendry King Midas of Greek and Roman myth. However the tomb was shown to be an antecedent to the time of King Midas but may have been built by him. The other tumulus’s range from the Phrygian period and right up the Hellenistic period, when the Greek under Alexander the Great arrived there.

King Midas:

King Midas, or Mita as he was known to Assyrians in Northeren Mesopotamia , was a real person. He is also the only Phrygian monarch that we know anything about.He was an important player in the power politics of the day and stood in the way of Assyrian ambitions.

End game:
The Phrygian kingdom sees its end around the late 6th century BCE. The kingdom of Phrygia was attacked and destroyed by the Persians.

Perspective on the Trojan War and the Ramanaya; Comparison of Two National Epics

The Trojan War Legend:A thought about the story itself.
The story of the Trojan War goes like this: A royal lady gets kindapped or elopes withanother man. The lady is also married and is a goddess as well as being royalty.
Her husband goes to war to get her back and succeeds and destroys the kingdom that she goes to and kills the joker who eloped with or kidnaped her. So the lady is returned to her husband and kingdom
The story line here has a great deal of similarity with the great Indian epic "The Ramanaya". In essence the Ramanaya goes like this; A King called Rama has a wife called Sita. Oneday they go to a hunt and Rama tells his Mrs. to stay in the camp and draws a circle around her telling that if she stays within that circle she will be safe. However she steps over the circle and a king called Ravana kidnaps her and takes to Lanka, his kingdom, thought to be Sri Lanka.
Well her husband returns to camp finds her missing and was told what happened goes of to get her back. War then ensues and Ravana is killed and she is then returned to husband and kingdom.
Any one who thinks that the story line of the Iliad is original bettet hink again. There are a couple of stories like it and the Ramanaya like the Iliad are Indo-European , as the Ramanaya is composed in the Sanskrit language and is also an Indo-European language.
Posted by Richard VijayKumar

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This website explores ancient civilzations and includes examining the "white spot" in the oldest centers of civilzatioins such as Iran and the Arabian peninsula.